If you would like to find out more about our childminding service, enquire about current vacancies or costs then please do not hesitate to give us a call. If we are able to cater to your needs then we can meet to discuss the care further.

We will show you where the children will be cared for, including the garden and you will see the safety equipment is in place. If our family are around they would be pleased to meet you.

You can read our OFSTED reports and look at our portfolio and photos over a cuppa! We will also discuss our policies and procedures which will include behaviour management and child protection.

If, at this stage, you feel happy that you would like us to care for your child, we will fill in the necessary documents, including a written contract and consent forms. We will explain about the accident/incident record book that we keep too.

However, if you feel you would like to go away and think about it, we can do all the necessary paperwork later. If you find our setting unsuitable, for whatever reason, we will be more than happy to give you names of other childminders in the area.

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